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Sirringhaus Lab


Our paper Non-Equilibrium Transport in Polymer Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors at Ultrahigh Charge Densities has now been published in Nature Materials! Our work identifies new strategies for substantially enhancing the transport properties of conducting polymers (such as IDT-BT) by exploiting non-equilibrium states in the coupled system of electronic charges and counterions. 

We show that in p-type organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), it is possible to remove all of the electrons from the valence band and even access deeper bands without degradation. This paves the way for more efficient neuromorphic computing, bioelectronics and thermoelectrics.

You can read our publication (as well as its supporting information) via the link below.

Tjhe, D.H.L. et al. Non-Equilibrium Transport in Polymer Mixed Ionic–Electronic Conductors at Ultrahigh Charge Densities. Nature Materials 23, 1712-1719 (2024)

You can also learn more by reading the following article from the Cavendish Laboratory (Department of Physics).

Solving the Doping Problem: Enhancing Performance in Organic Semiconductors

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