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Sirringhaus Lab



Rozana received her bachelor's degree in Chemistry from University College London in 2023. She interned in Ultrafast Optoelectronics group in the summer of 2022 at Imperial College London where she worked on the determination of exciton binding energies in perovskite nanomaterials. In the summer of 2023, she took on a project in the Budker group at Helmholtz Institute Mainz where she developed a setup for molecular imaging at zero field. 

After which she joined the Sirringhaus group to obtain her master in 2024: on charge transport in Sn-based perovskite. She has started her PhD to continue her work on the spectroscopic characterization of perovskites.

Regarding non-academic interests, Rozana enjoys tennis, running, and photography.


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Latest news

Sirringhaus Lab Members Attend innoLAE 2025

20 February 2025

Seven members of the Sirringhaus Lab attended the conference innoLAE (Innovations in Large-Area Electronics) over the previous two days. The event, hosted at Magdalene College, Cambridge , included dozens of talks from both academics and industry experts across a wide range of topics, from applications like biosensors and...

Nernst Effect Paper Published in Nature Communications

11 February 2025

Our paper Observation of Anomalously Large Nernst Effects in Conducting Polymers has now been published in Nature Communications ! While the Nernst effect is well-documented in inorganic semiconductors and metals, this phenomenon is typically negligible in polymers with lower structural order and an inherently low mobility...